First of all let, me state that the following instructions are specific for the Raspberry Pi 4 and a machine running CentOS 7. The instructions are based on two articles by Jonathan Bennett published on Hackaday: Hack My House: Running Raspberry Pi Without An SD Card and Network Booting The …
When installing the VirtualBox guest-extensions on a fresh CentOS installation the installer asks for the kernel headers to compile the necessary modules. To install these just type:
yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers
Here is the important part: when the installer for the guest-extensions keeps complaining that The headers for the current …
When working at home I connect my work laptop to my router and then use my desktop as a terminal over RDP. On my desktop (currently running Ubuntu 18.04) I use the xfreerdp command-line tool from the FreeRDP-project and this setup has been working quite well for a while …